Applicable provision of the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, its implementing rules and regulations, applicable provisions of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, PCT Regulations, and PCT Administrative Instructions, all govern the international applications that has entered the national phase in this country.
Priority Claim Rule: Must be filed thirty (30) months from the filing date at the international bureau
Validity: Twenty (20) years
Registration Period: One (1) to two (2) years
Requirements checklist:
- Power of Attorney, legalized
- Description including Title of the Invention as filed
- Claims as filed
- Abstract as filed
- Copy of the amendment of the claims under PCT Art. 19 where applicable
- Copy of the amendment of the description, claims or drawings under PCT Art. 34, as contained in the annexes to the international preliminary examination report, where applicable
- Drawings as filed
- International application number
- International filing date
- International publication number
- International publication date
- Title of the invention
- Earliest priority claimed
- Date of submission of priority documents to the International Bureau
- Name/s of applicant/s
- Name/s of inventor/s